Most of our products are free to start. In most cases our products run on credits. There are no restrictions or paywalls preventing your access to out products or features. New accounts get 1000 free credits. While this is not enough to try all of our many products and services. It is definitely more than enough to use your most desired of our products for a reasonable amount of time.
Yes, but most of it is dry and boring. May I suggest we look at one of our recent developments, Cyops News. Go to enter any news site you can think of, from anywhere in the world. Once you view some desktop results run a test on We score over 91% consistently, worldwide. The ping averages 44ms and often much less. Our content is HD images, HD video, audio, and is fully compliment across the globe. Google uses these numbers when deciding your ranking.
Next check the “Kung-foo”. Go to any news site and find their best and worst features. Now look at ours. We stream our own media, not “youtoobs”. There are no ads. We have unique tools that let you research Businesses, and find content from all over the world in multiple languages. So you pull info instead of it being pushed. Doesn’t that sound nice? “Pull not Push”…
Finally what I consider one of our best features and quit honestly a game changer is the ability to track and follow up. Have you ever heard a news story, and then spoke out-loud, “wait, what city? which Walmart?” Well, now you can! Get the latest developments, additional details, like quotes, sources, and names.
Eventually you will see these features elsewhere and who knows maybe we helped build it. If you consider Imagination, technology, skill, time to market, quality and performance. I hope you remember where you saw it first.
Oh, one last thing. Datasheets, research, and reports are available at Cyops.Org
We are well aware that these items are sought after and generally fetch a pretty penny. In general sale of this type of property does not adhere to our business model, or strategy. However there are a ton of ideas and bills both waiting for funds so i’m gonna have to say maybe ; P
Business data, and user or client data are two very different topics. Business IP that may help you be cool like us, or research which is basically leg work and elbow grease is reasonable that some may find it desirable. On the topic of user or client data this is a non starter. We will not sell or even entertain any discussion of such matters. This includes anonymous, statistical, and even so called “data to improve our products”.
Our products are made with requirements, and quality assurance before release. Fluffing numbers after the fact is not our style. Additionally we frown on third party communication, with exceptions of course. Random communications may be compared to the original modeling for anomalies.
Stop right there…We take a very aggressive position on certain matters. Allow me to elaborate. Our network utilizes Post-Quantum Cryptography. Attempts to intercept or deny service will met with aggressive retaliation just shy of being illegal. Such as allowing you access to a 10 terabyte honeypot, responding to a single header request 1,000 times or worse. Keep in mind bad actors may attach one of our servers with 3,000 requests, but we can respond from hundreds of servers each sending 3,000 request. Finally our network runs multiple routes simultaneously to ensure you are connected to the fasted path. Be forewarned that our unique time based encryption, and simultaneous routing allows us to trace, sniff, log, and triangulate. Our unique fingerprint can be verified no matter how many hops, or proxies are used additionally it can be used to prove procession of our content.
Next, is code from questionable sources, or questionable use. It’s just not worth our time. Frankly we don’t care what you do, or want to do. We do care about our time, and safety in general. So it’s simply just a pain, and not our style.
Now, legal matters. A court order and Subpoena are required for all individual requests. Bulk requests, gag orders, and those pertaining to “national” mandates do not usually end with the desired results. Often our products or developed in partnership, tandem, joint ownership, or other binding scenario that would obligate us to inform all parties involved.
Finally, the path of least resistance. Our Global position, general hardheadedness, and desire to not add drama to our lives ranks our options in the following manner. It would be better to seize operations in said county, move operations to a better haven, or sell business and pursue our many other options, than to get involved with other peoples drama.
Understand a client could pay us 15 bucks a month, vs. some agency that wants to strong arm us to bend our morals and ethics. When given the choice between A and B, the best choice would obviously be C.
Yes, but with many stipulations:
Outages – are usually our fault, if you are affected by an outage, we will not alter our troubleshooting methodology or restoration process to give you cuts in line.
Product Support – can be escalated upon request. However this may be compared to throwing money at the problem. Additional resource allocation may be justified but this could result in penalties or your basic extremely high rates. Image you unplugged network connection on accident, but you demanded that 5 people work on this until its resolved and furthermore you want somebody onsite now. So we walk in, connect the unit to power, collect logs, perform forensics, till the sun comes up, and you end up putting our kids through college. This is a cautionary, and well exaggerated tale. In most cases there is redundancy, failover, contingency, etc. Don’t panic and make irrational decisions. Keep in mind that escalations, and requests in general must come from an authorized individual. Your contract will have these requirements clearly stated. But just in case, think incident report, change request, and authorization.
Development – can be rushed or even incentivized. For example to meet a deadline or be first to market. We do not pull from time or resources already allocated. We do not cancel on somebody so we can get to you. A more common example is we work overtime, odd or long hours, and in many case we alter the development lifecycle and trim the fat, items like formalities, documentation, and reduce the amount of use cases in our iterations. Consider the negative impact this may have. You may get a working product that is ugly and the wrong color because you did not specify it. Basically don’t rush when requesting us to rush.
Tips – For best results, be flexible, and prepared. Speak to an agent who will likely have more questions the thought, many of which will require a followup. Also make sure to start on the documents well in advance. Tools are available online.
Yes, but I don’t recommend it. Just like there is Onboarding, you should consider creating a plan to Off-board. Compliancy and regulations often prohibit post action access. Another example would be any integrations. You deleted connections but not the accounts, or you need access to the account the only way you would connect is with the connector.
Important – We will not restore anything. We do not offer or provide support of any kind. We delete everything as fast as we can. Imagine you just fired a disgruntle employee and you want access and privileges revoked immediately before they cause harm or cause damage. 3 minutes later we get a phone call from somebody claiming to be the manager, stating he was just kidding, and to ignore the request and restore access. You can see why our hands are tied. Another important thing to know is we do not allow our agents to contact you at anytime after account cancelation, with some exceptions. This is designed to prevent employees jumping ship, stealing clients, underbidding with false representation, and under the table deals. As you can imagine accessing data across State lines from an illegitimate deal, is a very slippery slope. We advise you to any processions you see as necessary if you sense suspicious activity, such as post contact or sales calls after your account was deleted.